Quote saxoVTS="saxoVTS"Had a accident at work what could off been a lot worse. Work have always banged on about wearing gloves but yesterday i had some braided tube on my lathe machine went to remove a piece off tape as i did the braid cought my glove and pulled me in. Managed to kick stop the machine and was freed resulying in a crushed a hand. Not broke but swollen and bruised from the fingers down.
Work have rang for me to in tomorow as they have to fill a report in as could have been serious but am i entitled to full pay. i started in october via agencey and was took on by company two wseeks ago'"
Why didn't you kick stop the laithe before you tried to remove the braided tube?
Common sense tells you that on machinery like that, if anything, AND I DO MEAN ANYTHING needs to be removed or in any way stops you from carrying out what you need to do, you stop the machine first. And that's not H&S b0110cks, that's basic 'stop yourself from being killed or injured.'
I even learned that in school in CDT lessons. If our teacher saw anyone operating a laithe without removing their school tie first, he would beat the shiit out of them, because at the end of the day, it was HIM who would cop the flak for it if anything bad happened.