Quote Malfax="Malfax"Hi,
I'll introduce myself, I'm one of the backroom staff that is getting on a bit, Malcolm Powell 73 years old, volunteer for the past 7 years, cost to the club nil.
If you think that the backroom staff are intrumental in selecting the BOD or selecting the coach or even telling the coach how to coach his team, think again.
The backroom staff do all the hard work that keeps the business running through the instruction set by the BOD and the RFL regulations.
I'm sure that if you could do a better job, at the same cost as myself, I'll look forward to meeting you.
Waiting for a volunteer to take my place.
Malcolm Powell'"
Thank you Malcolm, on the other thread I asked justthebasicfax to name who he was referring to which he has so far declined to do.
As you have "outed" yourself I will now add my two penny worth.
Malcolm Powell, Mike Riley, Seanfax, Hilder, johnyfreemanfanclub, Burybabe, Pete McNamara, Pete Emmet and perhaps others I don't know about put a tremendous amount of hard work and energy totally unpaid, into our club. I believe (and am prepared to be corrected) that without these individuals the club could not have survived over some of the past years.
ok we now have Mr Abbot and his finance on the board but we still need the hard work and dedication of those afor mentioned.
In the Office we have Sarah, who I am told does an excellent job with her team, again an ever present at our games.
As for the comment about "strutting around on match days" it's called doing a job in a smart and efficient manner.
I know how hurtful these comments are to those individuals, can I respectfully suggest before making wild and quite frankly poorly informed comments any one with those notions spends a day (at least) free of charge down at the Shay.
From me a very big thank you to them all.