Quote pud="pud"fev have been the best and most consistent team now for the past couple of seasons. we choked in one game against fax in final 2010. the two finals last year we were poor and got beat by the better team on the day. to win the league imo is a bigger achievement because in a one off game in a final anyone can beat anyone in this league. the investment in fev is great news and im sure if fax got the same investment you fans would welcome it with open arms too, I just hope more teams in our league get investment too. its great being a fev fan at the minute after all the doom and gloom, the club is getting better in all aspects and just one more thing to the fax faithful, fev will be even stronger on the pitch this year too!'"
Their just having a bit of fun and winding the Fev lads up mate, we do tend to bite a bit between us when Fax and Fev are concerned so it's easy fishing.
Personally I think Fev will be even better on the feild this year and look forward to seeing them play.
Off the field it's blatantly obvious that progress with a clear goal in mind is being made.
I just hope the powers that be can see it as it will set a precedent for the Championship clubs either for good or bad.
I am really looking forward to the new season i think we have a cracking competion.
I just have a feeling Leigh will be that bit better this year as well and will be really challenging the other sides.