Quote Bubba="Bubba"As I posted on theshaymen.net...
I think there is definitely going to be (and has to) some change and Cllr Baines is certainly a more stronger leader than who he replaced. The council still has a duty to both clubs however that what is put in place is fair and regardless of issues over past (or current if there are any) rent arrears, etc, they wont be seen to put in place something which favours one club over the other.
What they do need to do though is put firm guidelines forward so that both clubs know of the consequences should either fall into arrears with their rent. Such as not been able to use the pitch if 7 days behind with their rent. Locked out of the stadium if a month behind with their rent. Etc. CMBC can easily do this without pointing fingers or being seen to take sides.'"
So are you happy that Councillor Baines came out with a statement that 'no money will be spent on the Shay pitch and certainly not for under soil heating??? Who mentioned undersoil heating, nobody we all just want the drainage sorted out.
Not interested in politics and who you like or not please keep to the subject and that is the sad state of the pitch, its terrible I saw it on Monday and it was bad its not draining properly and needs sorting out, especially for Town games as rugby can live with a muddy pitch (it spoils the game though) but not football.
Regards rent a lot of landlords allow some slack for their tenants to pay plus this is not a normal tenancy situation as who else will play at the Shay other than Fax and Town?
7 days and you can't use the pitch and one month behind and you are locked out is daft come on any business can have a cash flow problem you saying you have never been behind with some bill payment or other in your life? Most people have when things are tight and you need a bit of slack sometimes, you seem to forget the rugby were locked out last season although I agree there should be a deadline say 3 months and legal action is taken, 6 months and a lock out.
The bottom line is the pitch needs digging up and new drains and relaying, I suggest if that is around £250K that both clubs are asked to contribute £50K each with the Council being strapped for cash, that way the general public and Councillors will be more likely to agree to public money being spent on the pitch.
The other thing is the Council cannot walk away from its responsibilities of having the facilities at the Shay 'fit for purpose' as the landlord, its like renting a house and the roof leaks and you say sorry I cannot fix it I can't afford right now just put a few buckets in the bedroom to catch the water!