Quote wereutherein1987?="wereutherein1987?"There are local players that are too good to play for FAX as well.'"
There's a level for all players, if lads find SL contracts good luck to them, this sort if mimics the "Gaz Widdop for Halifax" thread last week, what were folk thinking, [icome home Gareth, give up your Storm contract and your new life and settle back into Fax life[/i ???
The management & coaching staff in charge of recruitment can only go for resonable targets with the ever-decreasing salary cap in this division.
Lads like Gaz Widdop who's making the most of his family's move to Aus, and the others who've found SL contracts elsewhere who have come through the Halifax system should be, and are, used as examples to the boys that are currently "in the system" and to the supporters of our club, let it give you all confidence that while ever Martin Gonzalez is nurturing their talent, the club will benefit from this system in the future, patience is key to this particular subject.