Quote BrisbaneRhino="BrisbaneRhino"McNamara may not be a good coach, but given that his job might possibly require him to make England as competitive as possible, he's doing more than I would have expected. He's added 3 players in Widdopp, Reed and Heighington who add hugely to our depth (Reed was selected in the NRL team of the year in one mag here), and now a class player in Chase.
The message to the poor 'English' kids not getting picked is simple - get better. Thank goodness we have a coach willing to tell them that - albeit by not selecting them. I have no time at all for suggesting we pick a 'pure' side that gets mullered - seen it before thanks. I suspect the Exiles game was enough to convince McNamara that our next generation is simply not good enough yet.
What England need is more of a win at all costs mentality. I've seen enough heroic failures (and even more dreadful efforts) to last me a lifetime. I want to see us regularly compete. Most of all I want to see England something in my lifetime.'"
Hallelujah. Someone who agrees with me. Depth = competition = striving to win a place = better players.