Quote tvoc="tvoc"The referee was possibly inconsistent between the two incidents although I'd have to review the Hall incident before commenting further. It's always been the case that the video referee will find offences the match day referee may let slide by without his involvement. Again that's the nature of the beast.'"
The two incidents were decided on by two different officials.
The Richards jump being decided on by the VR and the Hall jump being decided on by the on-field ref.
The VR, granted, has the benefit of multiple replays, the onfield ref can only see things once, at full speed (there are also the touch judges in theory as well but they do naff all imo).
Had the VR not been at the game I would be interested to know if Bentham would have penalised McGuire or let it go, he clearly saw the incident but was 50/50 on it. I know that is complete speculation but I would just be interested *shrug*.
Just touching back to another point I commented on earlier, Bentham penalised Phelps once for moving off the mark, but didn't ping him or Lee Smith again for it when both were doing it. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? It seems stupid to penalised once for something then ignore it all game when its clearly happening.