Quote Era of the Biff="Era of the Biff"Diddums.
Why should I have to try and decipher what you have typed just because you cannot use the extremely simple quote function correctly?
That you resorted to personal abuse at such a mild retort says more about you than me.'"
You DON'T have to try !!!!!
It might be "extremely simple" to use the function ...but it really doesn't concern me enough to bother.
Not sure how it can be interpreted as "personal abuse"...as I've never actually met you....it's something I've picked up from other postings on here.
I assumed you could take as well as give the abuse... knowing that none of it really should be taking seriously. (Something I [ieventually[/i learned myself).
Maybe you're a little insensitive about your height....whatever that might be.....again I've no idea. Not bothered.
One certain Mr Burrow is a little vertically challenged and I admire the guy greatly: his height is irrelevant. You should feel the same.
Apologies if I offended you on a "personal" level...not really my style. Same goes for anybody else I might have offended.
Saw an Aussie comedian recently who did a great stand up sketch on "being offended"......hilarious. Sometimes people really do take themselves far too seriously.