Quote MjM="MjM"True but Leeds have a relatively lucrative all-pay Boxing Day game plus the Winter months are better for conferences, they make a killing on Christmas parties etc and, more than anything, the new kit is launched pre-Christmas. I wouldn't be surprised if when it all nets out November/December between them aren't that much different to the average.
Suffice to say the 10 month turnover at £10.5m was essentially the same as last year's 12 month turnover of £10.6m, so whichever way you slice it, revenue is up.'"
I'm not on about revenue as such.
Christmas parties etc is not going to be anything like the revenue level during the season months - anyone who suggests that revenue stays the same after the season ends is nuts.
Turnover for the 10 months (League Express got it wrong in stating it was for the year ending 31/10/09!!) was £10.48M which is obviously £1.048M per month. However, this includes the 9 months season. So for the last two months, an educated guess would be turnover of around half the monthly average i.e. £1.048M for Nov & Dec combined. Turnover for the full year on a like for like basis would be £11.52M (+£1.05M) an impressive 10% up on 2008.
However, lets look at costs as these should be at least equal for each month throughout the calandar year. Staff costs and other external charges were £9.83M for 10 months, so pro-rata for the full calandar year they would have been £11.80M (+£1.96M).
The maths is simple the net loss for the period is estimated to be £0.91M which would have given rise to an loss before exceptionals of £189K instead of the reported profit of £721K.
Obviously, I have had to use some guesswork to arrive at these figures in estimating turnover but it surely has to be accepted as a given that sales in the last two months will not be as high by a long way as say August and Sept.
Other strange anomalies in the accounts are a mysterious £674K "other interest recieved" vs £332K paid in 2008, when there doesn't seem to be any loans given to anyone or deposits large to generate that sort of interest?
Overall, the Leeds balance sheet is quite good and certainly a lot better than ours, although I would question the value in the accounts of the Headingly ground - which is not even owned - of £13M. Saints is valued at £8M and thats with the freehold and only because its value is pre-arranged as sale price at the end of this season.