Quote hi de hi="hi de hi"You would think that was the case.
Why not type in 'the alledged fixtures are........however we can not back this up with facts.''"
Well yes you would.
The OP suggests, and I'll put it no stronger than that, that RLFans is being 'leant on' by '[isomeone[/i' and, logically, seeing as the RFL, and all and sundry connected with RL, could only be happy that fans are looking forward to and speculating about the coming season, it must be that '[isomeone'[/i feels that some of the speculation has got a bit too near the truth and is acting as a spoiler to the big announcement, mustn't it?
I mean, yeah, I'm waiting to book some summer holidays and make arrangements for Perpignan, but hey, I can wait a couple of days...............if I must!!
[size=50But if, in the meantime, the "naughty" correct speculation could be highlighted..........[/size