Quote debaser="debaser"Do they really not have a knock out cup?
I never knew that?
Why not?'"
My guess is that it`s just they way you`re brought up. In the UK we`re constantly told tales of derring do about the cup and about the supposed `magic` of Wembley, how important cup finals are, how great is is when you win, etc etc we take it in with our mother`s milk. We`re so indoctrinated with it that it makes us think the old Wembley stadium was a wonderful ground, when it was actually a bit of a dump in the middle of an industrial estate.
Like many things which are cultural it probably isn`t quite so wonderful when viewed from the outside, hence the Aussies can`t understand what all the fuss is about. For what it`s worth SOE probably falls into the same category, it`s just, on that one, we`re the ones looking from afar.