Quote Maccbull_BigBullyBooaza="Maccbull_BigBullyBooaza"I can understand people feeling uncomfortable or genuinely making the wrong comment due to not knowing how you should approach such things due to a lack of education and mental illness still being a but taboo. Hope this is a thing of the past sooner rather than later.
But what I really can't understand is the amount of people who are quite openly rude, hostile and dismissive. These people should realise the effect this has on a persons quality of life.'"
Pretty mature thread this. Credit for raising the subject in a mature way, which set the tone for the thread. If I may add a few lines to the discussion?
Dead right what you say about depression. Contrary to the dismissive attitude of some people who have maybe not seen it at first hand, I'm quite satisfied it is indeed an illness and condition, just like those that manifest themselves more physically. Seen it at first hand a number of times, and once or twice (very briefly, couple hours or so only, thankfully) found myself heading that way. Just those couple of occasions scared the hell out of me, cos its not just "getting a bit down" - it hits you heavy and hard. Thankfully in my case the lift, after an hour or two, was like the biggest weight on the planet suddenly being lifted. If that's what its like for those who suffer on a more prolonged basis, it must be bloody awful to handle.
I say this because unless you've seen (or worse, experienced) it first hand, its very hard sometimes to understand what its like and what effects it has, I suggest? Its not helped by what (seems to me to be) the fact that many sufferers compensate by displaying an outwardly jovial and lively personality when in company. Rather different to what they are really feeling inside. Maybe that's why so many entertainers are sufferers?
I will freely admit that its only in recent years that I have come to learn and understand that it is indeed an illness and not just "all in the mind". And I had myself down as being reasonably receptive and open-minded. So its maybe no wonder so many people still hold to scepticism, which may result in the rudeness and hostility to which you refer?
Unfortunately, I don't see any easy answer to the education side other than people experiencing the effects of the condition indirectly, or (heaven forbid) themselves?