Quote staffbull1973="staffbull1973"Completely agree Adey
Quick qn: do under 16's need a Season Ticket or do they just turn up and get in free ?? Cheers'"
I think your are confused. The free admission is for U12s and not U16s. U16s get a keen price but it's not free.
As free or discounted junior admission is specifically one of the perks for becoming a
MEMBER, yes, they do need to be a member!
Sounds like a stonking deal for 12-16s anyway, given that apart from getting in to home SL games for the money, they get:
Quote staffbull1973* Free tickets to all Bradford Bulls away Super League games (excluding Magic Weekend and Finals). You must bring your season ticket to the Bulls Ticket Office prior to the game to obtain your ticket for the game
* Free entry into rounds 4, 5 and quarter finals of the Challenge Cup both home and away
(Must be redeemed for a match ticket before the day of the game)'"
Unbelievable value, well done Bulls.