Quote Gotcha="Gotcha"Just for the relevance of highlighting something here. Of all the decisions for holding back this year (and there have been many) did you hold the same view that they should have also been banned? '"
Context is all. If it had been done earlier in the match then (a) the opposition still have a chance to win and (b) the cheating player gets 10 minutes in the bin, which hands a big advantage to the opponents.
In this case (a) he has deliberately and cynically prevented any chance of what WOULD be the matchwinning try; and (b) he cannot usefully be sinbinned, as there isn't 10 minutes left.
I would be happy if, to discourage such, the ref would give a penalty try in such a blatant case. If it happened earlier then a sinbinning is at least a significant detriment but it was the cynical nature of what he deliberately did which, coupled with the critical timing, that IMHO sets it apart from most 'professional foul' cases.
In any case, what are you saying? That a player in those circumstances may as well deliberately foul every time, indeed may be expected to do so by his coach and fans, as the reward may be huge, and the risk non-existent? Is that your idea of a fair rule? My problem with it on the other side of the equation is that by denying Wigan the clear chance to win in that cynical way, McGuire seems to be doing so with impunity. A penalty in Wigan's half would be totally inadequate compensation for Wigan, and a totally inadequate "punishment" for McGuire's offence.
Quote Gotcha="Gotcha"I suspect you didn't, and if that is the case then you need to jog on with the rest of the idiots from Wigan. You have just gone from a highly respected poster to a numbnut in one post.'"
Well, I would have no objection to such blatant cheating being referred to the disciplinary panel in other instances (as well as this) as it is well outside the spirit of the game. It's totally different from players straying close to the line, it was the pure cynicism of it that sets it apart. I would like to see ANY player committing a foul as premeditated and cynical as that get a sinbinning as a minimum, and failing that, answer to the disciplinary. Otherwise inevitably when there is no downside, players will choose to do it every time. I would like to see the ref take, or even have, the option to award a penalty try in blatant cases or, if not blatant enough for the ref's liking, then the penalty should be awarded under the sticks.
By some sort of analogy, in soccer, a deliberate handball on the line gets you sent off and suspended. I would prefer that the ref there had the option of awarding a goal but as he doesn't, then the offender at least will pay with a ban, and the analogy breaks down a bit as the other team should score anyway from the ensuing penalty, though the option of awarding a goal would be fairer as there is still a chance that the pen will be saved and that rewards the offending team.
Anyway, you seem happy to let Leeds and McGuire profit from what McGuire (and Donald) did. In my eyes that makes you look more like a "numpty", as to me, that's not rugby league.
PS I'm not from Wigan, I'm from Bradford, and would have chosen the Yorkshire team to support against the Lancashire team, all other things being equal.