Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Ferocious Aardvark"Tomkins is an idiot, and from what we see of him, doesn't seem like the nicest piece of work, if a rugby genius. Having said that, he's a young lad and not too bright, and to have had thousands of morons booing your every play while theoretically supporting your team must have messed with his head. It would certainly pi$s me off. Doing what he did was childish and he couldn't have picked a worse occasion, but the supreme irony is that the people calling for his head are in large numbers the morons who abuse him with vile language yet see no contradiction in themselves behaving like foul-mouthed gutter dwellers yet claim to be mortally offended by a two finger salute.'"
All very true but I think the occasion, the where and when, is the reason the RFL will feel they have to do something. I'd only expect a fine and maybe a warning letter, but at what is, arguably, the biggest game of the season, with a large number of TV watchers the game is hoping to impress, some dolt slings a 'V' at the camera.
We're back to the damage done to the image of the game, not to forget the old argument about how many parents will be put off letting their kids go for RL training when they see 'superstars' of the game acting like that. Bright or not, he shouldn't have done it.