Quote daveyz999="daveyz999"Steady on Mr Optimistic
Lets remember Cas have made a point recently about not having a large squad, so to help with this the bulls could offer a selection of players as compensation for the final 2 years of his contract.
If Chase also wanted to leave Cas (Not sure if this is the case), this would also be an intensive for them to do a deal.
I would be happy with the Bulls offering 3-4 fringe players as part of the deal (maybe Sykes, Briggs, Crossley and Crokes (just an example))
As for 'Why would he come to the Bulls' question - Money talks, plus the Bulls are a bigger team than Cas (recent form excluded) with a larger fan base and probably a club with larger potential.
Above is not a solution - just an idea of how a deal can be done - no doubt you will come back with another negative comment, the point I would try to make is, what's wrong with having ambition?? We have a good squad - we just need to bring in a bit of class!'"
OK, at least you have reasoned it out rather than just assume there is some magic wand like too many do. And I take your point re players in exchange for a transfer fee. That COULD address the transfer fee issue. At risk of not sounding "optimistic" (you must be the first one EVER on here to suggest I am a fully paid-up member of the Negative Tendency, since I have usually been accused of being on the extreme reactionary wing of the Positive Tendency - but there you go...) I'm not sure that would be enough to secure a deal though. I wish it were otherwise.
If Bulls offered say four players for one, they would have to replace at least some of those players though (in some form). So you would have Chase's cost PLUS the cost of the replacement players. That would likely therefore move the cost from transfer fee to player costs. That said, ANY quality #7 would result in a BIG increase in player costs regardless.
If, of course, the "discarded" players chose to go, and contract terms could be agreed. Remember, e.g, Sykes has a long contract so he could just sit it out at Bulls if he chose. And if Cas were happy to take mere "fringe" players. their "thin" squad made a pretty good fist of it on Wednesday? The precedent might be when we believed we had signed Ellis from Wakey (till the dirty was done on us) and we offered Langley and Reardon in return. Today's equivilent might be Whitehead and Donaldson or Bateman or whatever? Would the fans be any happier with that than they were over Langley and Reardon (when the generality of the fans, and the head coach, went apoplectic...)?
Last time I looked, Cas were above us in the table. And came close to a shock result this week at the Piedome despite having 11 regulars sidelined. Bulls may have been a "bigger club" once, but you might struggle to argue that convincingly now. IMO they are in a similar situation to us, and therefore Chase would be swapping like for like.
Your suggestion implies Bulls have a lot more money than Cas, though? You say "money talks" - and too bloody right, it does. Exhibit A: Wire; Exhibit B: Hudds; Exhibit C: Pies; Exhibit D:... But sadly WE don't have that much of it. And we have a big old stadium soaking up a lot of it. Why would we be in a position to outbid the likes of Leeds (or Wire or Wigan or Stains or...) who seem to have access to a lot more funding (some doubtless from "unconnected" third parties) for his services? If Chase had a choice of Cas or Bulls, as long as Cas are secure with a franchise (and I suggest they are as secure as we are) then even then I suspect he would need a big financial inducement to move. But since he would have other "big" clubs, with a lot more funding than we have, chasing him then surely our offer would have to be VERY good? That is the key point I am making.
And if we DID manage to secure him, you risk it being for a package so high (relative to the other guys) that their reaction could be the inevitable "well you are so bloody good, YOU run the ball up every time then and YOU take the tackles..." - sort of thing?
I'n not being negative, just trying to be realistic. Go back to the Newlove deal: the history books record which club did much the better out of it. I suggest any deal to secure chase would be similar but in reverse in its consequences? I suspect our best bet will be trying to secure a #7 with big big potential who is not yet commanding a huge package, given the dearth of quality halves around. Not many candidates there. No-one would be happier than me if Herbert could demonstrate, consistently, that he is that man. I fear trying to buy in "a bit of class" in an established qulaity half might now be beyond us. Yet I agree, without some class in the halves we will probably languish in the lower reaches of the table until we get ejected in the 2014 franchising round. As you say, money talks.