Quote j.c="j.c"Are they wrong?'"
From a business standpoinbt, they are spot on.
The problem though, is bigger than their league, which is the #2 code in Australia and commands massive TV audiences and revenues......If the game in the UK is to thrive, then the "nation" needs to get behind it......to do that, there needs to be more Internationals.........your average brit considers rugby players and supporters of either codes, as egg chasers, but when the 6 nations or RWC are on, they all drag their rosed shirts out of the back of the wardrobe and discover an indepth knowledge of the dark arts of scrummaging.
The RLWC in 2013 will struggle to get bigger crowds or more attention than the Northern Hemisphere end of season tours by SA/AU and NZ........why is that?
FTA TV helps......look at the synchoinsed masturbation that occurs every year for SoO and the petty squabbles between fans of AFL/NRL on other forums....Rugby League in the UK has sold its soul to Uncle Rupert.......if the game is to have any chance, then FTA needs to play a part in the game....otherwise, it will always be regarded as a Northern Hobby...regardless of Les Catalans and London Broncos.
There is no quick fix, but I believe a deal should be brokered by where the BBC cover the England RL national side......all games, including the exiles. Saturday afternoon KO's.....it seems to work for the other lot.
As it is, the NRL will close a deal 10 times the size of the Superleague shortly......clubs in the UK are starting to wobble/fall over and if something isn't done soon...the future is looking quite bleak for TGG in the Northern Hemisphere as a full time professional sport.
IMO that is.