Quote Judder Man="Judder Man"5 pages in and no sympathy shown to the Loyal Bull Fans, some who have sent monetary donations. .'"
I have every sympathy for the loyal bulls fans, as I would for the small core of supporters that stick by their club through everything. I started watching Huddersfield when they were the bottom of the heap and the life support was about to be turned off and so I really do have every empathy for them.
That doesnt stop me from thinking they were foolish to give up their money to prop up the bad administration that had led them to that position.
Quote Judder ManHope the Bulls win every game from now on.'"
Why? Chances are they will lose every single point.
Quote Judder ManWhen will the RFL realise something has to change in the way we run our game'"
Its up to the clubs to run their ships properly, the Bulls gambled on bigger crowds and uplifted merchandise sales. It didnt pay off and they didnt balance their books and are now paying the price. This is NOTHING to do with the RFL in any way shape or form.
Does the game need more money? Yes. Is this the same situation for EVERY OTHER sport? Yes, so can we please stop these ridiculous statements blaming the RFL or suggesting they do something outside their power?
Quote Judder ManMcManus has already voiced his concern months ago'"
McManus jumped on a bandwaggon that almost certainly had more to do with politics than wanting to improve the game.
Quote Judder ManLewis has jumped ship'"
No, he got a better offer and had done as much as he could probably - probably as much as anyone could until we took the power in the game away from club chairmen.
Quote Judder Manand Wood says the game is in good shape'"
Attendences are up, viewing figures on TV are up, the league is even more competative than ever, the National side has genuine competition for places...yes, its in good shape.