Quote GIANT DAZ="GIANT DAZ"You've kind of summed up my point there, Is Charnley a better player than Jerry simply off the back of his scoring record ? and i mean all round player not just at putting a ball over the line when the hard work has been done for him ?
As for Burgess, yes he had a good season but after just 1 is he a better player than McGillvary for example ?
That's part of my issue - if you have a great 1st or 2nd season at a top club you tend to get picked for England regardless of how others who have been performing as good or better for years are doing.
If a youngster at a less fancied club has a storming star to his career he can't be picked for England simply because 'he's inexperienced' or 'still learning' but yet that rule doesn't seem to apply to the likes of Burgess/Makinson/Percival etc due to their club stature - By the way, all the ones i have mentioned are very good players and i am using them as an example to my point.'"
Josh Charnley
2012 31 3 154 25 21 57 3 357 2826 7.92 30 28 0 25 0 56 39 4 26 games
2013 34 7 181 34 22 75 4 383 3471 9.06 35 28 0 37 0 11 4 9 7 25 games
2014 19 2 107 19 17 37 3 208 1814 8.72 18 11 0 19 0 0 0 5 7 16 games
Jermain McGilvery
2012 9 1 79 3 25 49 7 259 2345 9.05 16 8 0 15 0 0 0 3 4 20 games
2013 19 2 120 6 27 54 7 328 2941 8.97 20 14 0 21 0 0 0 8 5 24 games
2014 20 1 137 7 27 68 4 291 2624 9.02 26 10 0 24 0 0 0 10 5 24 games
Joe Burgess
2014 17 6 79 8 15 55 5 248 2639 10.64 27 38 0 38 0 0 0 11 3
so in the last 3 seasons McGilvery has missed 79 of 336 tackles (22.6%) Charnley missed 60 of 442 (13.6%)
you speak of hard yards Mcgilvery has 32 dummy half runs, Charnley 67. JC has 948 (14.15 per game) carries, JM 878(12.91 per game)
Clean breaks 83 JC, 62 JM. Tackle Busts 169 JC (2.52 per game) 171 JM (2.51 per game)
JC has 8111 meters (8.56/carry), JM 7910 meters (9.01m/carry)
the only real area where JM has a large lead is in errors. Tackling, try's, assists, carries, clean breaks all massively in JC favour, tackle busts very even, meters per carry has JM 45cm further.
so the above assertion that a player just putting the ball down over the line can certainly not be applied to JC, who is a much more active player than JM. Charnley is certainly a player that does a lot of the unnoticed work (Wigan were the first team to have their outside backs running the ball up on tackle 1, 2 and 3 and JC was always first to stick his hand up.
As for you saying is Burgess a better player than McGilvery after 1 season, the answer is simple. Yes. he is one hell of a player. In his rookie year he was putting up some exceptional numbers, 10.64 average gain! 27 clean breaks, nearly 4x more dummy half runs than Mcgilvery. 18.9% miss percentage is a little high, but still lower than the 22.6% of JM.
I mean this is really cut and dry, you seem to have the wrong impression about Charnley, it is easy to think he is simply a pretty boy that puts the ball down, but that is completely wrong.