Quote Barry_McKenzie="Barry_McKenzie"Funny how someone has to die before people start praising them.
Not so long ago when Newton got busted for taking steroids or growth hormones or whatever it was you were all bagging the poor bloke senseless on these forums. If the Salem witch trials were a modern thing poor old Terry Newton would have been burnt at the stake.
Now he is dead he is on the same level as Mother Theresa in your eyes.
What is it with you Poms honestly?
Princess Diana was the biggest moll in the country before she died according to lots of people from what I remember...yet as soon as she died she was treated like a saint.
Maybe it's because the events leading up to his death were unknown at the time of HGH taking?
Did you know that Terry has been estranged from his sister for years due to her drug addition and the day after she was our of hospital and cleaning up her act she died a year ago in Terry's arms?
Did you know Terry was suffering from depression as a result and blames his depression resulting from his sisters death partially on his weekness in taking HGH?
Did you know he regretted not trying to do more for his sister?
Then there's the added pressure of the media and the anti-doping agency trying to get him to name names. The change of life from RL player to publican of a small pub in Wigan. Being branded a cheat, by his own admission he took HGH to try to get over injury and stretch his career out but how many others would be tempted to do this?
How much support did he get from the RFL or Wakefield?
Terry was a great player who always played the game with his heart on show. He was a pantomime villain in many ways, his actions were far less than his reputation. The way players around the sport have spoken about him just shows what he was like as a man. He didn't deserve the media focus for his actions to the degree he suffered, there are other players alleged to be using the same drug.
Terry had his faults but was a great RL player and his memory doesn't need somebody from the other side of the world spouting crap about how he is to be remembered.