Quote The Original Red Devils="The Original Red Devils"www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/rugby_league/article7002211.ece
Personally i think its a joke.'"
I often wonder whether Nigel Wood is working part time for the RFU with some of his comments.
It's time for the clubs to query some of the comments/quotes that he has reportedly given over the next franchise round are they correct or are they his thoughts only?
We know what is expected of us, or do we?
You could have a club with a decent stadium, good league position , improving crowds, good community set up, good academy set up etc who could be told that they are out of Superleague to be replaced by a team who are and never have been in existence before being ran by people with no loyalty to the game.
The effect that this will have on a number of clubs should not be underestimated and don't forget that some of these clubs were operating before the likes of Nigel Wood and the others were around and will still be operating after they have(hopefully) moved on.
What message is being sent out to the sponsors,directors,players,fans etc by Wood's comments which were made at this seasons Superleague launch
as we have enough problems with some of/lack of coverage by the media without item such as this being handed to them on a plate.