Quote Iain="Iain"There's been a few threads on here recently which have involved people criticising things that club has (or has not) done (away shirt, merchandise etc) and other people rushing to defend the club, so I thought I'd see if a disussion could open up.
The question is - where is the line between raising a concern that something is not being done well, and whinging? Do the negative posters think that the club can't do anything right? Do the positive posters think the club can do no wrong?'"
Iain,I will probably be classed as someone who regularly defends the club, which I admit I have done from time to time but I believe that there is a time and a place to air one's grievances and unfortunately some people will have a go at the club at every opportunity even when there is just a rumour or some innuendo to go off.
What annoys me is that some of the posters on here have had many chances to face their main targets from the club but rarely if ever do when given the opportunity and if they do attend meetings with other supporters and club officials they usually keep quiet, and mishear what has gone on at the meeting.
People query what are the club doing with the money that is coming in, yet cannot understand that with our crowds and other income streams we are only, and are quite correct in doing so, working within our financial limits.
I come on this forum because I have had a long standing affection for the club, going back to 1946 for my first match, and I am lucky that my family have carried on along with myself.
I like seeing what other peoples views are concerning all aspects of the club and even when other peoples views differ from my own it does make you think and in some cases revise one's own views.
KOTS is correct on his post and he has put his own views down very forcefully for everyone to see and he has always been consistent with his views.
Some of the posters never ever give the club credit in whatever it does and the same posters jump in to criticize the club for a wide range of things.IE Trevor Hodgson, Trish Goldsmith, Adam Jude,the Tannoy system is too loud, the Tannoy system cannot be heard, Neil Barker has said this and that, the list goes on.
Most of the posters that I know who could be said to be "Pro the club" actually do put points of criticism forward but only when it is required and in a reasonable manner.
With regards the stadium, if we are all fed up with what has gone on and the length of time that has elapsed since it was first mentioned how do people think that the Chairman & Vice Chairman feel about the situation? considering the amount of
their own money that they have put into the project?
Finally on the question of the season tickets, membership offer etc, people who I know who support soccer and other Rugby teams cannot understand how fans at Salford City Reds can complain over the prices that we are being asked to pay and some have questioned whether our support base is as loyal as we make out.