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| Good turn out for 1st meeting of the year at new venue,Chandos Social Club, all the Yorkshire travelling players attended the meeting, Ryan,Ashley,Jodie,Chris & Wayne.
Firstly we reminded everyone that "Sponsor a Try" is up & running again after raising nearly £2000 last season, we would like to look at raising the same,if not more this season. You can donate by contacting "Karlos & Walshy on here or P.M. them or download a form of the Forever Reds sticky on Scarletturkey, or contact me ,or pick a form up from the club shop & return it there.
Membership renewals are also due, letters will be sent out a.s.a.p.
Ryan was asked re his sinbin, said he was commited to the tackle,got 10mins for the offence but spoke to ref, Morrison & Jeremy smith after game & doesnt forsee any further action.
Asked about tactics of swaping wing positions, said it is to target a wing & tire them out, just tactics.
Did we have a game plan at St's game-- yes, but defensivly, it didnt work, also kick off's re St's to same spot/player every time & again we were trying to keep them in top part of park, but had to do so much defending it tired us out.
What did they think of yesterdays game?
Chris answered they wont get too carried away Wakey had a lot of youngsters in the team,worked at the line speed to take some confidence in the defence. The attack was pretty good, even games we have been beat we have scored a few points but defencivly let down.
Asked re penalty counts in all games, have we got really bad discipline?
Wayne said It depends what the refs call, have to keep listening to them they all interprete differently.
Jodie asked why he doesnt get much ball?
Trying to work on it, when play is all up the middle to tire teams its hard to get the ball out to me.Chris said more attack on other wing as they were targeted.
Asked if team has gelled with all new players as things seem to happen yesterday?
chris answered that attack had been ok in all the games, defence been crap, need to hold the opposition in the other half where yesterday we got plenty of possesion & kicking to right area's. If we are winning the ruck we have more line speed & it saves energy, Ryan added they were getting up quicker.
Asked if the atmosphere at the St's game the abuse aimed at McRea, did it effect the players?
Jodie & Ryan both said need to prove to themselves that the team can do it, hurt to get so many points put against them, so it is up to the team, they said "ITS THE PLAYERS THAT MISS ONE ON ONE TACKLES, NOT THE COACH" & we need to cut it out, all agreed no one goes out to play badly but it happens & they need to up the game.
Asked if the training at Salford is better/worse than at what are perceived to be top clubs.
Wayne said not much difference, proffessionalism is within yourself as a player.
Game plan, do you have to stick to it or can you play off the cuff rugby?
Jodie said they can play off the cuff if they can see something will happen from it.
Chris said off the cuff is a confidence thing if not winning possibly stops you trying things, if we get a few more wins we will probably take the line on more,more depth in attack less flat passing
Ashley said the opposition tend to fly out on the wings so try to tire them out.
Wayne asked re the Cardiff incident??????
Said he was soso sorry, should'nt have done it, McRea was NOT impressed.
Wayne also asked how Malc was doing in his new role, said its good to have someone who has played in his position to be coached off. Asked if McRea will change a winning team , said he will have to train hard to get his place back.
Next asked if the game plan has been discussed for Friday.
Not yet, recovery day after game, so training tomorrow + game plan.
Watched the St George training to pick up some tips, the coaching staff asking questions re GPS training, Aussies using it for years so they dont over train before matches so team match ready.
Jodie asked if he thought we could still make the play-off's.
Said we havn't got the biggest squad, so hopeing we keep fit & play well we could still make the play-off's
What does Veivers bring to training?
Wayne has worked with Phil at Wigan, said all the coaches bring something different to the training.
What is D.J. like as captain?
Very vocal on the pitch at moving players around will get better as the season progresses.
All in all, a very interesting meeting, couple of hard games coming up, so best of luck to the team.
Next meeting T.B.C. & will hold it at Chandos Club again. Cheers.