Quote The Black Cat="The Black Cat"Maybe you walk around with your eyes shut then, the last census was years ago, can't remember exactly but I reckon I filled it in at least 7 years ago, so talk to me about that again next time in 4 years? (but dont forget to use ignorance in the 'official statisics' of how many filled it out) and how many illegals weren't accounted for? Like anyone using those 'official statistics' prefer to do now.'"
The stats were taken from 2007. Next.
Quote The Black CatYou can start on my row on Weaste Lane if you want to judge a majority share to whites and blacks then maybe move along to Leicester as an obvious second choice. However it's pretty obvious there is a total number of a majority of whites in the country, only an idiot couldnt work that out but take your head out of the sand. I could load you with a barrage of problems but I wouldnt want to add to an insignificant public outcry.
I've been down Weaste Lane plenty of times. Never seen that many blacks/Asians down there to feel there's any kind of problem. Same in Leicester. There are areas in most towns, though, that are predominantely black/Asian. There's also predominantely white areas. What's your point? What exactly am I meant to be taking my head out of the sand? All these nasty ragheads that are apparently taking our homes, jobs and money? Give over.
Quote The Black CatWhy?'"
Because anyone who votes for and supports an openly racist party who are no different to Hitler's National Socialist Party is a f*cking racist idiot. And I make no apologies for saying that, either.
Quote The Black CatFWIW I didn't vote BNP but if I chose to I couldn't give a toss what anyone else thought, it would be my opinion and my opinion alone. I would imagine theres not a chance in my life time that they'll ever get elected, although as some forum members know who I still owe a bet for, I did state that there would never be a black president of the United States of America in my lifetime so you never know
If they ever got elected it'll be a sad, sad day. Unfortunatley they seem to be relying on fear and ignorance, which seems to be rife amongst many at the moment. There are many problems in this country at the moment - shutting down immigration completely and kicking out everyone who isn't white would not solve those problems.
Quote The Black Cat="Early Bath"GT - You are clear about your opinions re the BNP but let me throw this at you. Mate of mine lives in Littleborough.
His Mother in Law (91 years old) has just sold her terraced home for £80k. She had no savings. She is now in a Residential Home and it costs £450 per week. She receives no State help now as she has more than £22k and her £80k is being reduced swiftly.
Eight doors away from my mate is a Pakistani Family of 8. They have invited the Grandfather - who cannot speak English - to come over and live in the same Nursing home as my mates Mother In Law. The £450 per week for this chap is paid for by you, me and every other worker in the UK.
My point to you is ............. Do you feel that is fair and right?'"
That situation is a bit of a p*ss take if true, however I don't think it'll be quite as clear cut as your friend is making out. However, it's no different to white families taking the mickey when it comes to benefits, housing and so on - many of whom make no effort to get a job and contribute to our society when many Pakistani families have worked hard to get good jobs and pay more back into the system than I do. A p*ss taker is a p*ss taker, regardless of race.
Quote The Black CatI didnt vote BNP as I registered my token apathy vote with the UKIP.'"
A party that talks utter rubbish and has no real plan to aide the country's current problems? Aye, OK. They're as bad as the main stream parties you've protested against. "We want the UK out of the EU but we're willing to become MEPs and claim all the money and cushy numbers that come with it... Erm, we'll get around to pulling out of the EU and taking away these opportunities for ourselves eventually though, we promise!
Quote The Black CatHowever maybe you will see why so many people in Industrial towns like Oldham, Rochdale, Leeds, Burnley, Leicester etc voted BNP when they encounter daily situations like my mate.'"
No, I don't see it. I only see why racist people would vote BNP. I live in Preston, I see places in this town where there's integration. There's a lovely Asian family live across the road from me, in fact. You'd do anything to help them and they'd do anything to help you. I'd rather have them there than the white family down the road who act up all the time, but never mind.
And yes, I do see parts of town that are completely Asian. However there's plenty of parts of this town that are completely white. And guess what? I feel a lot safer walking around the Asian estates than I do the white ones. But that doesn't fit in with the fear propaganda machine people like to crank up, so it's conveniently ignored. Again, this country has many problems. It's more down to middle/upper class white politicians taking the p*ss rather than immigrants, legal or otherwise.