Quote bryanthered="bryanthered"have i missed a lot by-elections
it is Labour in control of Salford and Peal holdings who have let this happen'"
It was just the piece in this weeks Salford Advertiser where representatives of the parties have a few paragraphs written.
We go from the left wing slant in the Salford Star to the right wing stance by a Conservative councillor in the Advertiser.
It just seems a constant drip of negativity about the stadium and the council involvement.
This against a background of [url=http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/opinion/columnists/oliver-holt/Why-Brian-Kennedy-and-Sale-Sharks-are-killing-Stockport-County-the-football-club-I-love-by-Oliver-Holt-article270857.htmlThis[/url
which may be resolved in the near future. [url=http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/grounds-talks-over-edgeley-park-5851258LINK[/url
When the club is trying to win hearts and minds - and sell season tickets despite not knowing days or kick off times of the matches or television schedules - it seems rugby league fails to take priority even when the team are minor premiership winners in Australia [url=http://www.theherald.com.au/story/1762278/roosters-fans-upset-at-sharing-turf/Story[/url