Quote theredshed="theredshed" It's all well and good officials at the club whining about numbers, but what are the club actually doing effectively to improve it?'"
Sadly the club hierarchy seem to think they have done an amazing job and everything is in place for the fans to come flocking in and to be fair there are some good mothers day offers on for Sundays game.
However, in pre season I and probably everyone else on here was looking forward to the marketing campaign on local buses and on the east lancs etc. For the first time probably since I have watched Salford we were going to have proper marketing of the club which was going to put Salford firmly back in the minds of the Salford public. Then what did we do? Drop the word 'Salford' from all promotional material, which resulted in an unidentifiable (to most of the city) 'Red Devils' brand on display which seemingly has had little or no impact.
Quote theredshed="John Gilbert Reds"I would imagine the reasons are; defeat at Warrington despite great support, hammering off Saints in front of the TV cameras (cries of same old Salford), the bad press following Gareth Hocks ban and subsequent release from the club, the bad press following the clubs acceptance for Scotland RU to discuss terms with Kevin Locke and then this week a further story about some dancing. All I ever seem to be asked is, what's going on at Salford?
You just don’t hear about any of this stuff coming from other clubs. It’s been a very disruptive start and even following the internet hit of Rangi’s try and the great result last weekend we still managed to churn out a negative story.
This is spot on.
The only game this season where there has been genuine excitement in the bulid up was Warrington, where we took probably our best away following in the superleague era. Since then we have had:
Koukash: 'I've had enough'
Hock: 6 game ban ending in a release from his contract.
Locke going/not going to union.
Locke enjoying himself on a day off.
The only upbeat story we have mustered from the club in this time is the Chase magic assist which as stated above was soon replaced by another Locke non story.
Added to this we have also had:
New club shop opening in January (still no sign of it).
Discounts on food and drink at the ground with a season ticket/membership (anyone?).
False promises and negative press will not exactly entice the Salford public to attend. Hopefully with our next few fixtures certainly being winnable, followed by hopefully some positive press for a change and we can build up to a bumper crowd vs Wigan on easter Monday.