Quote Paul Thexton="Paul Thexton"There are a few rules which we rarely/never see actually applied by the refs, the deliberate knock-on/forward pass being one of them.
Another which we frustratingly inconsistently see applied is a penalty for moving off the mark before playing the ball. Watch the game against Hull, you can quite clearly hear Ganson shouting to a number of both Hull and Wire players alike to play the ball on the mark, but at one point decides to penalise Atkins for it. I have no problem with the penalty given, he clearly moved off the mark, [uwhat I'm failing to understand though is what was so different about that one that warranted a penalty where as all other occurrences before and after only warranted a shouting at[/u.'"
You can't be asking for continuity from our refs, Paul.
Bad show.
One thing you NEVER see penalised, is the voluntary tackle. It happens EVERY game, at least once (particularly when there has been a kick, collected successfully by the defending side).
You'd have thought the RFL would be keen on this, considering all the "hoo-har" over the last few seconds of 2002's GF, where the most infamous voluntary tackle ever, took place.
Back on thread, Clarke showed himself to be ' a knob of the highest order" again, re the Atkins try.
You can guarantee if this was Carmont doing the same thing as Atkins for Friday's opening try, the only thing Clarke would be talking about, would be Carmont being the best centre since Mal Meninga.
It's a pity really. Clarke is obviously an intelligent man. He has some good thoughts on our game, and how we can go forward (as a sport). He just lets himself down, with his obvious OBSESSION with one of his former teams, and his over-reliance of statistics.