Quote DemonUK="DemonUK"Don't you mean realists Ian. At this moment in time and with what i read and hear we could effectively be Salford City Reds reserves in a couple of years. The RFL can see the state of the game but seem to have decided they cannot halt the slide.'"
Derek i reguard myself as a realist also , i have read the reports on the Salford supposed merger , but cant see it , ive been told by a good source very close to John Wilkinson , that Salford are in the Brown stuff , so i cant see how we would benefit from this said Merger , maybe with Wigan or Wire , we would benefit , i agree the state of the game is not good , but i think maybe a two tier Super League is the answer .
I think people like yourself , and me should still support our great club in every way we can , your support would obviously be missed , as would a few others , but i feel Leigh are in a better state now than we have been for a while , im looking forward to a few announcements on the playing front for next season , we will survive , i personally intend to put more effort into supporting our club next season , and hope others feel the same way , you included .