Quote L3YTH="L3YTH"When one party is in power for so long, corruption always sets in.
They are all just pigs at the trough.'"
Nobody is suggesting for one minute that it's just one party. Oh, except you.
Here's the problem: we don't afford politicians the proper respect for the importance of the job they do.
Their pay is akin to that of an upper-middle grade civil servant, whereas (presumably) we'd want the very best and brightest talents to run the country at our behest. Nobody goes into politics for the money: Burnham could have been of £100k a year the minute he walked out of Cambridge if he'd chosen to do a stint on the trading floor or at an investment bank.
'Who makes the rules' is a decent question: all-party MP's committees appoint and approve the recommendations of commissioners. Like many things in the parliamentary system, it's arcane and messy... a side-effect of having an institution that's been in existence for centuries and reformed only on a piecemeal basis.
So, here's an idea:
- pay MP's all a big whack of salary, on a par with the senior exec in big private sector companies. Link that pay by a formula which is then fixed and out of the hands of MP's to change at will.
- appoint and pay for each to run an office of 3 staff
- build a 'hall of residence' at Westminister, where each MP gets a study, a meeting room, a lounge, and two bedrooms, for their exclusive use while in power.
- pay for all travel between constituency and Westminister
- pay for all travel and expenses while on official duty. Publish all of it, all the time.
- have designated 'clock-in' hours for each MP, with terms and conditions like any other job
- make it illegal for MP's to take on any other paid employment, retainers, consultancies, directorships etc while they are in office
- don't pay expenses for anything else
- don't pay anything for second homes
- do pay some kind of 'severance' pay if MP's lose an election, to reflect the fact that they must give up their careers until the whim of the electorate makes them redundant with no notice whatsoever.
...and then start worrying about more important things, like how well the MP's do their job, not how much they personally spend at IKEA on the company payroll.