Quote what about your crowdsWigan... along with Warrington and Leeds all wish to see Huddersfield finish 1st on the ladder by quite a margin so that they can all collectively laugh at them and point at their real credentials during the play-offs'"
Arguements we will all hear anti giants fans wil follow this line of arguement
The LLS is not important
Let's see what you do in the playoffs
Only the Grand final matters
If we win the grand final it will be
You have achieved nothing until you win the WCC
If we win the WCC it will be
That does not really matter until you win it in Australia
If we won it in Australia it will be
Let's see if you can back it up.
Then iot will be the old chestnut , " what about your crowds"
No matter what we do some people will try to put it down.
Do not bite, do not feed the trolls, do not be defensive about our crowd ( Meast let it go !)
We will have made a great achievement and laid the basis for moving on ( hopefully the club will sieze upon the opportunities)
Be proud, get behind the team and do what you can to build the club