Quote Crackerjack="Crackerjack"sadly Jo there arent many going around with that class in my view something special and if available dont think our crowd figures would allow it tohappen
Getting him first time was a real coup and deserves credit --allowing him to leave -nuffsed!
Think thats why subsequent FB`s have taken so much stick as there is NO comparison
Just would have liked to have seen him bring through a talented youngster and we would really have reaped the benefits!'"
Your right there mate, It's a shame how it ended but Hey ho. I'm not sure about the crowds affecting us that much, They are now down to a level where they may not drop much lower even if we should be relegated, We could expect to have a winning side, and a lot of fans will turn up for that.
I can't for the life of me work out why Mr Davy has carried the club for so long, Only for a brief spell when NB was our coach did we ever get crowds that have come even remotely close to what's needed, yet he has soldiered on regardless of the dirge that has been churned out this season.
If some sort of miracle came about and we became a top side winning things on a regular basis the club would never do any more than break even, Even that i could understand to a point, there is glory and pride in bringing home cups and such and that might make all the money a bit more worth while, But to perform like the Giants have over the years, even allowing for winning the Hub cap and threatening in playoff's a couple of times, I think he has had extremely poor value for money.
However he is the owner and he has chosen to employ the people he does so you have to think he is at least happy with the Admin side of things. ( another mystery to me ) All in all a remarkable man, and for what it's worth I personally don't think he will kick it into touch even if we get relegated, If he had been the type to quit I think he would have done it long before now, He has certainly had cause.
It wouldn't be the end of my world if we did get relegated, It might even be a good thing in some ways, It would at least be a chance for a fresh start and a way to get rid of some over rated players who are never going to take us anywhere ( whoever the coach ) and as far as i know there is a decent Parachute payment anyway.
Sorry that's a bit off topic mate, regards players, i know nothing about this Mamo guy But going by what I've read he is no better than we have, neither are these others from Bradford either, the idea is to improve your players not just swap like for like. We are playing people now who couldn't get in a few other teams, If we are going to continue down that road, then we shall never get anywhere , it will just be more of Mr Davy's money down the drain, Glad it isn't mine " or yours ".