Quote Rooster Booster="Rooster Booster"He never hired you though. So every cloud.
Yep.....he never hired me. Remind us all again how that's panned out for him, his wasted millions on the Club? Regale us with the long list of success stories at London's SL club whilst he's had overall control since the end of 2008?
I'll help you out.....since the last game of 2008 and under his leadership we have shed 67% of out average fan base and in excess of 1,000 season ticket holders. In the 5+ seasons to date, we have won 36 of our 139 SL games and are now un-backable as favourites to go down.
All of this has happened with NO CONSEQUENCES for anyone responsible. Towel was even offered a role at the club but his pride got in the way, administrators have come and gone with nobody being held to account for the £11,000,000 in losses over the last 5 seasons....Einstein's definition of insanity fits Hughes perfectly
He's quoted as saying to Ian Lenegan in the book A pastel revolution:
[iI am an oil trader and successful at that but, but marketing, finance, business management, human resources etc are not my strengths[/i
.....YEP......fill us all in on how well the club have done under his ownership this time
Quote Rooster Booster="Rooster Booster"Sorry GF. Your post makes you sound like a petulant child. "Best buddy Dave" and then further snipes at Rammo later in the thread. Are you jealous or something. What's going on in your head?'"
Mark Rammond made an open and very vocal attack on me here...in this very forum. He suggested that I be banned.....he called on the moderators to ban me because I wasn't posting anything positive. He is the Comical Ali of the club now.....He has said earlier in this thread that he feels better having spoken to Hughes.
This is worse than gushing/fawning....David Hughes is a megalomaniac who will do it his way or he wont do it at all. He thinks fans should come back to the cub because he's sorry he "wobbled" in October. Bollox to that Mr Hughes.......I'd suggest that you market the club or employ someone who can market the club if you want fans to attend. I have never said don't go to games. I have never said don't spend money at the Hive or the shop either.....but this self declared voice of the club has that audacity to tell me where and what to post? Fuck him and anyone else who thinks that because they are "chipper" that I shouldn't be allowed my opinion.
The Team are not good enough for SL and that is a harsh reality for some to accept, but a reality all the same. The reason the team aren't good enough is down to the Owner and his bad decision making over the last 5 or 6 years. Hughes had a real chance of leaving a lasting legacy after all of his investment....but what he has now got is a "husk" of a club that is heading for the lower tier.
BTW, your assessment of Rob Powell may well be that aussies like him and rated him as a coach, but the STATISTICS of a W D L ratio of 19% - 2% - 79% would point to him being out of his depth at this level. He may well have been a really good bloke to work with/for, but in another shocking decision where David Hughes wouldn't take advice on the matter, he employed Powell and as a result, the guy was shot to bits by the time he resigned.