Hopefully somebody will find this thing useful! Alternatively you could do the flag free-hand, but I have absolutely no artistic skill or anything so that wasn't an option for me!
You'll need paints, fabric, a pencil, sticks (garden canes are probably the best bed?), tape and space.
The material I used was poly-cotton, I bought it from a shop called Abakhans in Manchester, but all material/fabric shops should sell it, I think Jimmy Birts got his from The Range. Mine was 112cm by 100cm, the size completely depends on how much you want the flag to stand out. As for paints, I used acrylics as they were all I could find, fabric paints may be better but I honestly don't know!
The first step is to have an image to base your flag on, I used the Brigantes logo.
=#FF0000If any body is struggling to create their design or image I'm happy for them to pm me their idea and I'll see what I can do on photoshop!
The second step is to upload this image to [url=http://www.picslice.compicslice[/url, this allows the image to be blown up and printed over several sheets of a4.
The third step is to stick all the sheets together until you have a large image that you can trace, I then taped this to the floor. This photo was taken after I'd done some painting as I forgot to take it before I started
I then taped the fabric over the image and traced it with a pencil.
After this step you should remove the paper underneath. I made the mistake of leaving it and the paint soaked through into the paper and the ink from the paper soaked into my flag, hence the black splodges in the red parts. An old sheet or plastic cover is probably the best thing to use, as the paint will soak through the fabric like this:
The next step is painting. I did the black parts first, just because if they go wrong they are the most difficult to correct.
I then waited for the black to dry before starting the red and then did the same before doing the yellow.
This was the end result:
It still needs channels sewing in for the sticks, I'd probably recommend getting the channels sewn in before you start painting.
Another thing is that if you have a projector, it may be easier to project the image onto the fabric, and whether the tracing method will work with darker farbric I'm not too sure!