Quote WiganTV="WiganTV"We are working on a commentary solution for non broadcast games at the moment. We will keep you updated as we develop new features of the site and new program content.
Today we released a really interesting interview with Shaun Wane on his first days back from holiday. Defiantly worth a watch.'"
A good and relatively cheap solution for the club could be to ask radio manchester/ wish fm in as a partner and ask for their commentary after the game, to then marry up with the TV pictures?
I feel this would tick a number of boxes;
1. Both radio stations cover wigan games with full commentary anyway, so it is ready made and at no extra cost to either party, other than the cost to Wigan RL to get the commentary rights from the radio station (as opposed to putting in the clubs own commentator at significant cost)
2. By discussing with BBC Manchester/ Wish FM, I would expect the club could get the commentary of matches relatively cheaply or potentially at nil cost - if they offer some sort of advertising for BBC Manchester / Wish FM I would anticipate both parties could be easily satisfied with the trade off, particular given the commentary is already provided by the radio station and costs nothing additional to produce. Something as simple as an intro to all Wigan TV videos/ matches could surely work - Ie/ "Wigan TV - In association with Wish FM / BBC Manchester - Official Radio Partner of Wigan RLFC". The radio station would benefit with additional listeners, we get free/ cheap commentary, and both parties can obtain mutual benefit with each other.
3. The names and voices of the radio commentators are those supporters can associate with and will give the games an established professional feel - rather than having some old wiganer with two or three stock commentary phrases like the many micron videos, which panders to the northern backwater stereotype.
4. Radio commentary is very descriptive by its very nature as there is a need to help the listener visualise, and therefore often leads to very good detailed commentary which actually outstrips most normal TV commentary.
For me this would be brilliant and is certainly worth considering by the club?