Quote cherrydevil="cherrydevil"This is once again largely your opinion though which you seem to dress up as fact. I suppose though if you repeat something often enough people may believe it and it does tend to become fact on these boards. You constantly drop little jibes or negatives in about Goulding like it somehow makes Pryce a better player. Why dont you compare him to Richards or Roberts? If Pryce is so good why has he been stuck in the u20s most of the year? Surely your coach knows the players better than anyone and is best placed to judge and up to now he has been choosing Goulding. It is therefore safe to say that he rates Goulding higher. Didnt Ainscough even get recalled before Pryce got a game? It doesnt seem that your coach rates Pryce too highly and only picked him as a last resort.
If Goulding was as bad as you say and at fault as much as you make out wouldnt he have been dropped in the last few weeks? There certainly wasnt anything wrong with Goulding's defence or positioning at Salford and from what I have seen of Wigan this year there hasnt been any there too, if there had he wouldnt have played the games he has. Even some of your fellow fans are saying you are wrong blaming Goulding for the tries you have and one poster says he has been at fault for only one. I have seen Pryce be at fault for at least one in the game against Huddersfield so there is no difference there. You just totally ignore the facts and anything that may not suit your argument. As a result it really is difficult to take your comparison seriously when you are obviously so biased. Has Goulding not given you his autograph or something as you really seem to have something against him?
I have already posted a whole range of reasons why teams may attack one side more than another and why there may be more tries on one side of the field, you just seem to be obsessed with taking one point in isolation, whilst ignoring the others, as you think you can argue against it and get out of the stupid posts that you have made previously. Looking at Wigan they attack far more down the left than the right, Salford do too, as do Leeds amongst others. It happens for a variety of reasons, regardless of opposition, and there is not a one size that fits all answer. What you completely fail to realise is that it is a team game and not all tries that are scored on the opposite side of the field are automatically that wingers fault, even if it is outside him, no matter how much you want them to be to suit your argument. Indeed more often than not it is the fault of those inside him.'"
Where do I start with this.
Firstly where have I said Goulding is a bad player? If you actually read this back all i have said he is a player who in first grade has struggled positionally in defence and it is something he has worked on but still has trouble with.
Secondly for some reason you were the one to start slating Pryce in this thread, without full knowledge of the facts, hence you stated if Goulding had struggled in defence he would have been dropped because of it....which he already had been.
Next Pryce has been out of action for over 2 years with injury, he has been playing in the reserves to find condition, confidence and form.
Next if Pryce plays tomorrow over Goulding will you accept you are wrong? I will if it is the other way round assuming both are fit.
Ainscough was fully fit when Pryce was selected ahead of him.
Pryce has played a handful of games in over 2 years. Richards and Roberts are experienced NRL superstars there is no point in comparing just as there is no point in comparing Goulding with them.
Some of my fellow Wigan fans do think Goulding should play ahead of Pryce, but most on here do not so if that is what you base the success of your debate on then it is at the moment about 10 to 1 against you.
The only reason you have given for why a team may attack one side is because they naturally attack to the left, that is all you have offered, in response I have stated in the pro game they can naturally pass both ways and the coach and play makers dictate where the emphasis of attack is, which is at the weak link, not because players can only pass to the left. (schoolboy analysis at its best).
I appreciate that if wingers get skinned it is not always their fault the slide is reliant on the inside push, but what is crucial is even when the inside push has been good Goulding has been caught out on occasion.
As for Gouldings time at Salford i am confident I know more about what your coaching staff felt about his time there and hit ability than you.
I will tell you what Cherry, lets see who plays tomorrow if Amos is fit.