Quote the hedonic calculator="the hedonic calculator"What is the "pc brigade"?
Is it a rugby league phenomenom or some sort of Salford thing?
As for swearing being a "non-issue" - if it offends someone then it autmatically becomes an issue for them. There is no way around this and the best course of action is to avoid such language if there is the possibility that it may cause offence.
There are several words that are only words, as you put it. For instance, if I was to say to you "get a grip, you stupid c*nt" then you may not be at all upset by this statement of the obvious. However, if I was to say it to my aunt (not that I would, on the grounds that she shows far more intelligence, despite suffering from alzheimers) then she would take great offence and cut me off in her will. And that is without going down the inherently dangerous path of racist or homophobic words that are, inevitably, just words. I suggest you have another little think about it.'"
The PC brigade are the political correctness idiots who run around trying to stamp out anything that may be deemed as offensive.. They guys who are ‘outraged’ at what Andy Gray said. It’s the kind of muppets who want black boards in school to be called chalk boards, the kind of people who do stuff like this;
Whilst I agree there should be a cut off point the women at the match who was ‘outraged’ by the word hole in chant at a rugby game really needs to stop being so sensitive.
ATEOTD people like the lady mentioned in this thread will find offence in anything and I can’t see why that should stop the rest for having some light hearted banter now and again.