Quote Cruncher="Cruncher"If we do end up seeing some premiership-winning NZW juniors in our playing system, I guess we'll be impressed, but forgive us for being skeptical if at present we don't see much sign of this.
Maybe it'll happen, maybe it won't.
You've never heard of Sam Tomkins before?
If you'd any idea how often that kind of sentiment has been expressed about our best players by pompous oafs involved with the NRL. I'm not saying you're a pompous oaf, but we've heard it time and again from people like Phil Gould, who use it purely as a means to mock the English game. It doesn't exactly win friendships (especially when there's a veiled threat that we'll be raped and pillaged if we don't fall into line - ooh, how scary).
And I don't think harping on about 'poor signings' in the distant past, as if we somehow owe you, will win you much sympathy either. Trust me, we'd much rather Denis Betts and Andy Platt had stayed here.
I'm actually ambivalent about this hook-up, not because I doubt what you say about NZW about to explode as a mega-force in the game, but because the tide of opinion is currently that Britain's best players must go to the NRL. We're all finding it a bit difficult to envisage any of your better juniors wanting, or even being allowed, to come here, even though we'd love it to happen.'"
I was just stirring the Pot,. thanks for the reply.....I absolutely agree that the NRL is full of Pompous Oafs and 'Gus' is one of the worst.
I didn't mean to give the impression that I hadn't heard of Sam....plenty of Kiwis haven't until these rumours started.
Ok so it wasn't till 2010 when I was was watching England V NZ Maori at Mt smart stadium that I saw one of the most talented footballers I've ever seen play live Rugby.
I've got that limitless video on my desk top and the guy is an absolute Freak.
I don't believe for a secound that he will have to adjust to the NRL , I think the NRL will have to adjust to Tomkins.
I was an Andy Platt / Betts fan before they came here and had an unfortunate run in a poorly run club with no history.
The rape and Pillage comment wasn't a intended as a threat....after reading the comments about the NZW suspicious intentions I thought that would give folk some perspective.
Here's some examples of where this Juniors program could work out.
Keven Locke and Glen Fisiahi are two very good Fullbacks from our Juniors programe , if Sam Tomkins comes here both players would walk into another NRL club tomorrow
Peta Hiku is last years Jnr Fullback....we obviously can't keep them all so Hiku is now Manly's starting Fullback and he's going well over there.
That's just one position from our program. Once they go to a competitor they are lost , that's why we want to link up with Wigan
Some of our Jnr's are absolute monsters.....Big boned Polynesian Lads who are running all over the top of their opposites......the production line is so long that many miss out on making the NRL side by the narrowest of margins to their team mates who do go on and get promoted.
What they lack is a exposure to a club culture like Wigans and exposure to a style of rugby that doesn't let them rely entirely on their Physical presence.