Quote Connor The Warrior="Connor The Warrior"For me, we have a great 1 to 7. The problem lie's after this.
Fielden - Lost his bottle.
Prescott - Not got the strenght, agression.
Feka - Not onlong enough. Teams seem to be getting used to him.
Coley - Not a prop.
Hock - Would walk in any team. Carrying the pack.
Hansen - Great effort, but cant break a tackle.
O'Carroll - One of our better go forward props.
Riddell - Still miles behind with fitness.
Mccolrum - Liability.
Massive clear out in this list Apart from Hock, id get rid of the lot.'"
I laughed at this, thought it was a cracking little joke...then I realised you where serious!!!!
Whether you can appreciate it, Hansen runs cracking attacking lines. Players tend to drift laterally when they are about to pass with ball in hand. Nothing wrong with it, unless the reciever is drifting on the same angle.
Hansen hits a ball straight, and hard. If your running away from the guy who is trying to tackle you, then that side of your body is exposed completly, your centre of gravity is high, and if you get hit then you WILL lose metres.
By running straight at a defense, or angles back into them, then he is much harder to tackle, and much less likely to get smashed... I'd draw you a picture, but I can't find my crayons
As pointed out, Prescott and O'carroll are cracking players, and are the future of our pack.
Feka was criticised for being to fat, worked hard on his fitness, now he plays for the same amount of time and gets critisised can't make the same impact.
Riddell doesn't look fit, but in all honesty does KC?
Mccilorum...Liability? where did you get this from?! He has cut out his penaltys and works over time in defense...