Quote Jack the Beagle="Jack the Beagle"The whole point is 'Vasty ' made it everyone's business when in a 'fit of pique' he stated he would not be going to the match as some sort of protest against not being able to pay 10 quid on the gate.
It is a forum for discussion and as' Vasty ' is one of the main protagonists on here I am sure he couldn't care less about his comments being discussed.
I am not the only one on here to have metaphorically' raised their eyebrows' at the surprising attitude of a long term supporter.
If you cannot see that you are the one embarrassing himself/herself.'"
Forget about it, I have.
We won in a fashion and that was in no small part down to my being there and offering advice to the players from the sideline! - so just be thankful for my neighbours apathy.
Thanks to Mable and Chissitt for their reasoned support - nice to see that some still see shades of grey rather than black and white.
Jack, I have been the boards self appointed agent provocateur for nearly 15 years, most people and most mods seem to get that and look through the hyperbole. I'm not moaning as no one asked me to do it and a few on here don't want their cosy little world shaken and tend to miss the point. Sometimes the hyperbole is required IMHO to stimulate a debate that IMHO isn't happening but should be.
So to spell it out my latest concerns are:
1: People being vilified for even the slightest criticism of the club and then those slapping them down setting themselves up on a moral pedestal - see Big lads mates post for that attitude.
2: On a more serious note I really do think the club only pays lip service to fans at the moment. Con man though Glover was he did bring a certain glitz with him. Now I don't expect Carter to match Glover for presentation and flair but the limited offer for £10 was a poor one IMHO. It's typical of the way things are over complicated these days and how a good and generous offer ends up looking a bit dodgy - it's not the first time this mistake has been made nor are we the first club to do it. I honestly believe had we gone for a flat rate more would have come and the revenue would have been similar. Thus season ticket holders can't moan because they already have discounted tickets, all paying fans have paid the same, away fans are not ripped off and leave with a happy memory. Is that so unreasonable Jack.
3: The cheerleaders and I expect bucket loads of abuse for this - but - it's embarrassing now. Either have the real deal or have nothing. I like the young kids having some fun that's not the issue, let them have their dance on the pitch - no problem. What is the issue is that they are taking an extra roll that is beyond them and should be filled by a pro or semi-pro outfit. Like it or not that is what's expected these days so are we SL or not. It makes us look cheap and amateurish compared to other SL clubs not least Cas. If we can't afford them fine, but don't fob us off with a bunch of kids please it makes us look very championship or maybe not even that good to be fair on them.
NOTE: I write this on the assumption the above is still the case.
I am not demanding a new owner or anything like that, just hoping to awaken fans and the maybe the club to genuine concerns.