Quote Next Best Thing="Next Best Thing"It didn't but then you never hear the full facts do you? '"
Yes you do. The court transcript is a matter of public record now that sentencing has occurred. You can check directly on what was said and done by reading the court record.
Quote Next Best ThingAfter beating a door down, all Stu Reardon and Leon Pryce did was hold an arm and push a guy over? Are you serious??? I find it hard to believe they'd get convicted of assault just for that. '"
Firstly, Reardon's wife opened the door and then Reardon pushed his way in, apparently damaging the door in the process. Pryce didn't do anything to the door or to Reardon's wife. He pushed O'Brien, Reardon's wife's new bloke, who fell over into the peddle bin.
And yes, it is perfectly possible to be done for an assault like that. Section 39 assault - common assault - is anything from an unwanted hand on your arm to a punch across the face. That's the nature of the charge.
And for the record, the RFL are going to investigate, just as they did with Cockayne and Reardon. It is not expected that they will punish Pryce any further and why should they? He has 100 hours of community service and a formal warning from Saints (which generally means a sacking if anything else happens). That's perfectly adequate for pushing a bloke.
However, that doesn't stop people from all clubs not only booing Pryce repeatedly like he's a murderer but also wanting him strung up. I don't hear any reaction like that to any other of our felons, and we have a fair few still playing who have done worse than Pryce.