Quote LEE-HKR="LEE-HKR"Well Steph, apparently you seem to be the only person who knows about the audio kit and it's match day operation - neither the KC (Hull FC) ticket office & the stadium ticket office staff, nor the RFL know anything about it ([iNeither did you, if I remember correctly, when it was mentioned at the Hull Disabled Supporters Group meeting last November[/i)
Perhaps this link from the RFL website will clarify the issue [urlhttp://www.therfl.co.uk/clientdocs/Disabled%20Spectator%20information%202009%20(Clubs%20H%20-%20R).doc[/url From which I quote...."Hull FC, playing home games at the KC Stadium, [uNumber of audio loop seats [/u- [uStadium does have an audio loop. Although not in use on Rugby League match days[/u. " When the Hull FC Disabled Group was formed in 2006/7 Gill & Richard Johnson demonstrated a system that could be used, however there wasn't a demand for it so it was shelved.
I'm curious, to your earlier post where you claim ".......[iit was used most of last season[/i" as I've been approached very recently (twice) by Hull to assist with seeking funding sources to pay for the equipment. If you think a supporter who's listening to a mobile phone radio commentary can compare that to a dedicated audio commentary by 'visually aware commentators' is the same, well you're very much mistaken.
Still, I should have expected the negative anti-Rovers comments from the usual suspects - it's a pity certain people can't see the bigger picture, not just the one team they support - just for starters, in Britain alone, there are 14 teams in the Super League, and 22 in the Championship, that's without all the amateur teams! Were would they be without the support of ALL Rugby League supporters?'"
I don't want to get into a slanging match on a public forum about which team got there first. I didn't say anything when this original thread started because I'm not into tit for tat. It was only your comment
"HOW LONG HAS HULL FC been using it" that I felt I had to say something.
I can assure you the Audio COmmentary was used all of last season, courtesty of our Media Manager James Clarke and not as you suggest radio commentary. He approached me at the October FC Voices meeting and said he had been trialling it and would I please spread the word at our disabled meetings and otherwise for people to take advantage.
IF YOU REMEMBER I RAISED IT AT THE NOVEMBER MEETING YOU ATTENDED WITH GILL JOHNSON, so to say I didn't know about it is rather absurd. At that meeting two ladies (you can have their names if you wish to PM me) said they have been trialling it all season, it was something different to what they have listened to before and they are very pleased with the new
AUDIO COMMENTARY. I then asked if people were interested to come and see me, which I had one lady who was interested who came to me at the end of the meeting.
I have no dealings with the RFL as such because I seem not to be "in the clique" if you like and do not get invited to such events.
I think its fantastic that you have a hands on role at HKR, like I've mentioned to you before the KC Stadium is a state of the art new stadium and it manages itself when it comes to disablilty arrangements, we have no need for me to stand outside and show people to disabled parking areas, stewards are employed for that and for me to make sure disabled toilets are clean and tidy for disabled supporters, they employ cleaners for that. Congratulations on all the work you've managed to achieve, I truly mean that, but I have a different role to you as RLDSA representative.
I don't come onto your board and post negative Rovers comments, thats not my style, but I did feel the article gave the wrong impression that Rovers are the very first rugby league club to ever do this sort of thing and that is simply not true.
If you'd like to contact James Clarke at Hull FC he can tell you all the details.