Quote Sheldon="Sheldon"You clearly haven't been on the wire board where, days after winning the challenge cup, their discussing [uhow they thought of their username[/u.'"
So, what does pmh stand for? Google to the rescue.
Princess Margaret Hospital (Toronto, Canada)
Past Medical History
Psychiatric/Mental Health
Profoundly Mentally Handicapped
Parkland Memorial Hospital (Dallas, Texas)
Postmenopausal Hormone
Peel Memorial Hospital (Brampton Ontario, Canada)
Project Management Handbook
Pizza My Heart (California)
Perpetual Motion Holder
Porous Metal Hydride
Program Manager's Handbook
Politics and Modern History (British University degree program)
Physicians Memorial Hospital
Portsmouth Metropolitan Housing
Progressive Macular Hypomelanosis
Primary Marmoset Hepatocytes
Posteromedial Hypothalamus