I had the pleasure and delight of coming up for the day with bitter Hull FC and Cas fans ..... [i"We're aiming to join the big three : Bradford, St Helens and Wigan"[/i
Sometimes it is great to travel neutral (ie not wearing a Leeds shirt or making any open advertisement to who you support) and listen to the sheer bitterness (washed down with reasonable doses of claptrap) from the likes of teams that have failed to win at Wembley or secure a domestic championship during their entire history.
Thankfully on the train on the way back, there were far more Leeds fans on it, although the Cas fans weren't looking too chipper about their prospects in advance of their 'Cup Final' in a couple of weeks .... [i"They'll tear us apart, if they play like that" [/isaid one pit-village pundit.
Although I didn't see much of the Saturday games on TV, it was interesting to note the reaction to Leon Pryce (convicted recently) and Greg Bird of Catalan Dragons (convicted of assault) and the reactions to both players by the self-righteous crowd. Pryce was booed with every tough, whilst Brid's appearance passed off without a whimper.
Perhaps some of the points for next year should be :
1 ) Just have a set fee for the day / whole weekend ... There was very little (if any) ticket checking going on and as a result, people sat more-or-less anywhere, only to be disturbed by the I've-booked-this-seat-and-this-seat-only brigade. Personally, I'd be happy with a flat fee and a sit where you like policy.
2 ) The booze / food prices were a touch expensive in the current climate, but something that I suspect the RFL didn't have a great deal of control over.
3 ) Shoot Keith Chegwin, no particular reason, I just don't like him. Someone who would be great for the mascot games stuff would be Stuart Hall.
4 ) A few more things around the ground 'to do' between games might be an idea, I know some kids who found the prospect of sitting through 4 straight games to be a little too much. Having said that, there seemed to be plenty going on around the clock area.
5 ) The house and behind the sticks were pretty good and their half time sets were pretty good.
6 ) Might it be better played over the Spring Bank Holiday weekend next year, when the Scottish football season is over ?
7 ) I hope with the proceeds the SRFU buy a mower to trim the playing surface to a reasonable level next year ... And how about a return to an RFL logo being mown in to the turf ? (Remember the 'Love The Game' logo at the 1999 Cup Final ?)
8 ) There were plenty of rumours that the 2011 onwards Magic Weekends will either be in Dublin or Newcastle !
9 ) It is shame the big screens didn't show the arrival of the various team buses, which after getting the police escort through the streets were then piped in to the stadium. This looked really spectacular and something most fans would have missed.
10 ) The true Catalan fans brought much needed spectacle and atmosphere with them (excluding all the assorted Leeds-hating hangers-on they attracted)
11 ) The Leeds game being on 3rd meant that for the first time during the Magic Weekend concept, you could do the trip in a day by train.
12 ) To even it up, could there be room for an 8th game ? Maybe some form of Rep. Game ? Scotland Vs say an NL1 select side, which would attract the locals too ?
Murrayfield does suffer from its bowl design, by virtue that it wasn't close between the seats and the various consession stands that chances are were on a lower level and a bit of a walk from the seating areas.
On the whole, I enjoyed it and look forward to an improved weekend next year.