Quote Mr Hicks="Mr Hicks"Assorted [ischadenfreude[/i burblings'"
I think you must have come here by mistake, sunshine. I guess an easy mistake to make in your position?
This is a fans' forum. So posts on here would be addressed to fans. So, frankly, we were initially perplexed by comments like "...you have had your chance and s**t on your fans by lying to them about the debt you are in." Clearly such comments cannot be aimed at fans, since no Bulls fan s**t on and/or lied to any of his or her own personal fans (not least, because few of us, apart from MBBB obviously, actually HAVE any personal fans). And few if any will be in debt in the capacity of a rugby club.
Having given your posting due consideration, we have concluded you must be addressing your babblings to past owners and directors of the Bradford Bulls club? In which case, you need to approach them directly. Let us know if you need some pointers for contact details? Good luck with your enquiries.