Quote colt-45="colt-45"The games sponser, our disciplinary system that used to be the envy of sports around the world, now its a farce. The referees/ officials are so bad, people who have been watching the game for 30+ years get baffled by em and say how terrible they are. The deal with sky should be at least double what it is. Clubs like bradford should not be going out of business. Our game is turning into a complete joke when we all know its the greatest sport on earth.
the chip on my shoulder is felt by more than just me, the super league is being laughed at because of morons within red hall . and if you was honest you'd see it !'"
Right, let's address each one of those shall we?
The game's sponsor? I assume you're referring to the deal with Stobart. The thing is, you seem to be under the impression that RL is anything more than a regional sport. We're not, that's one of the main factors in there being a lack of money in the game and why SL is becoming more and more a league of the haves and have nots. Hull FC are an example of a club who were a have not but now have a new owner with money to pump into the club and are slowly looking like becoming haves. Will they be able to put together the same sort of high profile team that Warrington have managed? Time will tell. But I'm getting ahead of myself. In case you missed it, the world's finances are in meltdown. Companies aren't as willing to throw large wad's of cash. At least Stobart are a company from the heartlands of RL and at least they were willing to put money into the game.
On what measurable scale has discipline in RL been the envy of the world? I'm interested to know. Could you maybe back that statement up with facts? A quote from members of governing bodies from other sports stating their envious nature perhaps?
Show me one sport that doesn't have it's fans complaining about the officials. Yes, there are some questionable decisions given in RL but the same can be said for any sport. And just like any other sport, those questionable decisions tend to balance out over the course of a season. It's a perfect system? No, not by any means, but no system can be because people aren't perfect. They miss things, they make mistakes.
The deal with Sky should be more. Again, I refer you back to the fact that RL is a regional sport. Yes, I know there are amateur clubs up and down the country, but the majority of the top division and the majority of it's homegrown talent can be found along the M62 corridor. Sky pay us what they think we're worth to them in terms of viewer numbers and sponsorship and advertising they can sell around our game. Sky have us over a barrel. Where else are we going to get a tv deal? ITV? They're barely still a channel. The Beeb? They see us for what we are and play up to that. So again I ask, who'd be willing to put the time and money into a tv deal? And without that TV money you can say bye bye to a 14 professional team league.
Bradford are going out of business due to poor management. The RFL haven't been setting the budgets at Odsal, or agreeing player contracts, agent fees or setting ticket prices
So being honest, your arguments all seem to fall under populist rubbish and as usual for these forums no sensible solution is put forward. Just buzzwords that you think so how can stand in for a structured argument. You haven't suggested HOW to change the system, just what you think is wrong with it. So your "no confidence" stance comes across more as moaning about it rather than looking to find solutions for change.